Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lymph Node Scan and Clip Placement

I had my lymph node scan today.  This was ordered because the doctors thought they felt an enlarged node.  But the good news is that there were no enlarged lymph nodes!!!  Which is great news.  I even had the technician double check.  They were going to do a biopsy of one if it was enlarged, but since they weren't they didn't do a biopsy, yippee.  I was very happy about that.

The doctor also put in a clip(?) a titanium post in the middle of the tumor.  Since I will be doing Chemo first which will shrink the tumor, their concern is that they will not be able to locate the tumor when it comes time to have surgery.

Then they did a mammogram to get a picture of the placement of the clip.  I did not know that I was going to have a mammogram and when they told me I got scared because last time I almost cried because it was so painful.  But the technician assured me that it wouldn't hurt as bad.  First,  I was still a little numb from the procedure and secondly she said there wasn't going to be as much compression as a regular mammogram.  She was right - that was the second good news of the day:-)  The technician Karen was very nice and helpful in explaining things to me and also gave me the email address for a place that does free housecleaning for people on chemo and we talked about some other chemo related stuff.  She even walked me over to membership services so I could talk to someone about if a wig is covered through my insurance.

I'll also admit the thought of Chemo really really really scares me.  I keep hearing that a Cancer Care Coordinator (or some other fancy name) will be contacting me, but so far nothing.  Not knowing what to expect is the worst.  And with my chemo date set for next week my apprehension grows as we get closer and closer.  And I want to get the wig situation squared away before I start chemo because I want to donate my hair before I start to loose it.  That just seems like the right thing to do.

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