Friday, May 4, 2012

Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Clinic

Repost from my other blog . . .

I have Kaiser insurance and when they called me to tell me the news, they also told me that they have a special kind of appointment where you get to meet with several doctors in one long appointment.  My appointment is May 3rd and I meet with the following doctors:
  • 1:30pm - General Surgeon
  • 2:15pm - Hematology/Oncology
  • 3:15pm - Genetics
  • 4:15pm - Plastic Surgery
Sounds like a *fun* appointment.  Better to have them back to back to back and get all the information at one time though. But I am worried about being overloaded.  I will get my surgery date at that time too.

I also have an appointment on Tuesday May 1st with a General Surgeon as an Intake Appointment.

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