Friday, October 19, 2012

Chemo Cancelled this week due to my cold :-(

No chemo this week for me :-(  Last week I felt like a cold was starting and I was right - runny nose, sneezing, coughing, chest and nasal congestion, ugh.  I struggled all week with the symptoms and felt like I was getting better on Tuesday but then Wednesday (chemo day) morning I was coughing up a storm.  It was more of a dry cough and my whole body hurts from coughing so much.  Plus it was like 90degrees on Wednesday so the air conditioner was a must . . . but when the air conditioner would kick on I would start coughing although my morning coughing wasnt triggered by the air conditioner.

Since last week they gave me chemo even though I was sick I figured they would this week too, but nope my doc decided to give me antibiotics (augmentin - they are giant horse pills!!!) and have me come back next week.  She was irritated with me since I apparently wasnt answering her questions properly (I dont know what she wanted but I answered her questions).  It was freezing in the waiting room and that triggered some coughing.

Being rejected for chemo is a weird feeling - I mean who really wants to be injected with a poison?  But on the other hand I do want it to work to kill the cancer and I want to be done.  I really really want to be done.  I have been on this chemo roller coaster since May 16th, 2012 and it is an awfully long ride and I am really really REALLY ready to get off.  But no, I have another week added to it, sigh.  Estimated PFC (post final chemo) date is now November 7th!

On a positive note, the horse pill antibiotics seem to be working - my nose is just barely running and my cough is less, but still present.  I am also feeling like I have more energy - not that I am going to be running a marathon or anything, but I feel like I have energy to prepare food, make the bed and do a few things I need to do but kept pushing off cause I had no motivation.  And my tastebuds seem to be back . . . a few days ago everything tasted soapy or bitter or just plain yucky.  But now most things taste as I think they should, yippee.

Oh and I lost another fingernail, sigh.  Maybe I will be able to finish that post with my newfound energy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you're sick on top of everything. Boy, though, November 7th is so close!!

    Xoxo...strength, peace and a cough-free sleep for you!
