Saturday, January 5, 2013

Oncoplastic Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery

All in all the recovery has been much easier than I thought.  I did have a horrible sore/dry throat that showed up the morning after surgery.  It hurt to talk, it hurt to swallow, it hurt to eat it just plain hurt.  Kindof like the worst sore throat from a cold, but I didnt have the other cold symptoms.  Whispering hurt and I resorted to using the fewest words possible and doing a lot of pointing.  My throat was pretty battered from chemo and the breathing tubes really irritated it.  I didnt really eat much between my stomach issues and the sore throat :-(

The day after surgery I had an appointment with the Plastic Surgeon's nurse to change my dressings (they would have removed the drains then too, but I didnt need any drains).  The nurse did a quick check, changed some of the gauze and made sure I had feeling in the nipple.  She also told me that over the counter sore throat drops would help me.  On the way home we stopped at the store and got the strongest Cepacol lozenges they had.  Sweet relief.  I used them for the next day or two until it felt "normal" again.  I put normal in quotes cause I still have some throat irritation and sensitivity to acidic foods that are a result of chemo.

After the initial issues with the pain medicines and my stomach I was afraid to take more, but it turns out I didn't need it.  I was very surprised.  I had some tenderness and discomfort but there were also times that I "forgot" about it and reached for something and was reminded that I just had surgery.  I didnt take any more pain medicines after that, yippee.

I didn't really lift anything or reach for anything for a couple of days.  My instructions said to use common sense with what you do.  I didn't push it - I reached for things and if it hurt I stopped and asked someone to get it for me.

The biggest complaint I had was itching.  The incision along the bottom fold of my breast itched.  It would be fine then all of a sudden it would itch like crazy.  I had steri strips along all incisions and I was wearing a sports bra 24/7 as instructed.  I couldn't really scratch but pulling up the bra and rubbing along the steri strips helped.  The suture knots or whatever you call the fishing line looking stuff that was taped down was what itched the most.  I had them removed about two weeks after surgery and the itching mostly stopped at that time so I think that was what was causing the itching.

I still have some issues in the car, mostly when I ride in a truck.  When we go over a bump or the road is not so smooth I feel it in my breasts.  And the rough roads I am talking about are the same roads I have driven on for years with no issues and I only notice it in a truck, my guess is because the suspension is different than in a car.  It isnt all roads all the time, just older sections of the freeway or potholes that have been filled or even somewhat newer roads that are kindof wavy (I never paid that much attention before).  I can deal with it, it is just uncomfortable.

My instructions also said to massage and put lotion on the incisions twice a day to help break down the scar tissue.  I do notice that the scars, particularly along the fold do look like there is some scar tissue forming and I hope that the massaging will help.  I have not done it 2x/day every day but I am trying.  The massage does not feel good as it does make it feel sore afterwards.  I haven't been doing it because I forget to do it, a lame excuse I know :-(

I am now 4+ weeks out from surgery and I am happy with the results.  I am noticing that the nipple is starting to look oblong and I hope that is just because some areas are settling differently than others.  I first noticed this on the cancer side but am now seeing a little on the non cancer side.

I'm not exactly sure how much smaller I am but they are smaller and firmer and more perky.  So far I am mostly happy with the results.  The slightly oblong nipples do not make me happy but I know my Plastic Surgeon did make some adjustments because she was compensating for the effects of radiation.  I'll reserve my final thoughts for after radiation.

If you found this blog because you are thinking of having an oncoplastic reduction feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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