Friday, May 11, 2012

CT Scan

I just got back from my CT scan.  I had to check in 2 hours before and they gave me a cold beverage.  Now we're talking.  If only it were a soda or wine or Mai Tai I would be happy.  It was oral CT contrast in a soda cup.
The cup says Compliments of the Orange County Radiology Department.
They didn't tell me what was in it, but Dr. Google tells me that it was probably Barium sulfate.  I was expecting it to taste really nasty, but it wasn't that bad.  I dont know how to describe how it tasted, it kindof tasted like water but a little thicker with some mineralish aftertaste.  In reality it wasnt that bad. It was in a 32 ounce drink cup and they told me to drink most of it but leave a little.

So I got to wait in a packed waiting room.  When I walked out I saw several people with the same cups and one guy even said cheers to me, haha.

Then about an hour and a half later, but still before my scheduled appointment time I was called in.  This was another machine with a bed that I was asked to lay on.  He put a gown over me and said to take my pants down to my knees (I was still covered), then the bed thingie moved towards the donut shaped part of the machine and said he would normally start the IV at this time with the contrast material, but the doctor ordered it without contrast because I'm not sure if I am allergic to iodine or not(better safe than sorry).  He then said it would take about 2 minutes and that he would give me breathing instructions.  I closed my eyes and he did come on and said to take a breath and hold my breath.  This was done about 3 or 4 times with each time seeming like I had to hold my breath for longer and longer, but in reality it may have just been after the 3rd time I was not able to hold it as long.  But occasional shortness of breath is probably my only symptom.  Then we were done.  I asked to see the picture, because it is cool and I wanted a preview.  He said I could see it but he wouldn't point out organs.  I didn't really know what I was looking at and he started to point out organs but then stopped.  I did notice that on one side it was much brighter and in part of my intestines it was brighter.  I'm fearing the worst, but it is what it is, right.  I have had a pain under my left rib off and on the last few days - and I have been burping more than normal too.  I'm hoping that the pain is just gas pressure along with me not sitting up straight.  Hoping for the best, as always.  Just had another large burp and do feel a little better, hopefully that is what it is.

Upcoming appointments:

Chemo orientation 3pm today
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Monday - be at the hospital at 7am
Appointment with Oncologist - Tuesday
Chemo appointment - 1:30pm on Wednesday

Two and a half weeks ago my life was "normal" and I thought I had a cyst.  Since then, I have been injected with radioactive stuff twice, drank some unknown beverage, been poked in the breast to put titanium in there, am not sleeping well and had several doctors appointments.  Oh an I feel fine . . .  I don't feel sick except for a little shortness of breath when I go up stairs or walk fast and a little pain on my left side that I am hoping is just gas.  Scary stuff.

Update - been having stomach issues/gas pain all afternoon . . . maybe it is gas pain (fingers crossed)

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