Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Insurance does NOT Cover a Wig

I was super surprised to find out that my insurance does not cover a wig . . .ahem I mean cranial prosthesis.  I called several numbers and finally got to talk to someone in member services and they even checked with their manager and it is not covered!!!  Now I am not normally a complainer, but I think that this is just wrong.  Imagine loosing your hair in a matter of weeks!!!  Head fully exposed, no protection from the sun, no warmth, a distorted body image . . . really REALLY think about it.  I think for me second to knowingly injecting myself with poison loosing my hair is a concern.  A big concern.  Today I walk out in public and no one knows I am sick, heck I even forget it myself, but you go out in public without hair you look sick, or at least have people look at you differently, especially as a woman.  I still cannot believe it that they do not pay anything . . . and it is not offered on any plans that they have in case you were wondering if I just got a lousy plan - even their best plan does not offer anything.  Wow . . . pick my jaw up off the floor.  Thank goodness there is a law that all insurances have to offer breast reconstruction.

I filed a formal complaint.  This is just wrong.  Insurance covers Viagra but does not cover a wig for a cancer patient or alopecia patient (their hair NEVER grows back), what kind of world do we live in???

There are some places that offer free medical wigs, but a lot of them say for people in need . . . while cancer has cost me a ton of money, I should be able to still pay all of my bills, even while off of work I should get close to my regular amount.

But seriously - they don't pay for anything for a wig!  My jaw is still on the floor.

1 comment:

  1. Cyndee, check with your local American Cancer Society chapter. Relay for Life funds go to purchasing wigs for patients. You shouldn't have to pay for one, even if you can afford to. Hugs! - Erica
