Monday, September 24, 2012

Third Weekly Taxol

My third weekly taxol infusion was pretty uneventful.  I was hoping not to get my least favorite nurse and got lucky and got my favorite nurse.  But sadly, I still ended up with a bruise where the IV went in.  So now I am at a loss . . . maybe I am just destined to have a bruise after each infusion.  With six chemo's left I sure hope that is not the case.

My fingernails have taken a beating during chemo - on AC, my nails had lines on them, now the lines are fading and it looks like the nail is pulling away from the nail bed.  I have trimmed my nails so they are as short as possible and not using my nails for anything.  I also noticed that on my right hand where the nail is just growing looks whitish . . . I'll post some pictures later, but I am not liking the direction things are going.  Plus I have some neuropathy on my fingertips which means that they get numb and tingly and when I touch things it doesn't feel right, like how things feel when they are numb.  This feeling comes and goes and I have noticed that I am a lot more clumsy which I am sure is a side effect of the neuropathy.  I have taken some vitamin B6 and glutamine off and on to help with this.

And my hot flashes, although really mild, seem to be happening more frequently.  I also have more hot flashes on chemo days, which are now once a week.  It could also be that it is hot - I am ready for cooler fall weather.

I also still have muscle aches, primarily in my legs.  It makes climbing the 3 flights of stairs to my place difficult, but not impossible.  I feel sore, like I ran 5 miles yesterday.

I also had an appointment with the surgeon to discuss my lumpectomy.  It looks like that will be somewhere around Thanksgiving and will probably be the week after.  I have an appointment with the plastic surgeon too and will finalize the date after that.

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