Monday, November 12, 2012

Last Chemo - Finally Done with this part of Treatment

My last chemo was on 11/7/12, wohooo!!!!  It was pretty uneventful (yay!).  It hurt a little when Julie got the IV started, but I wasn't complaining cause nothing was going to stop me from getting the last chemo!!!  They rang the bell for me too . . . and I went and rang the bell too :-)  For those of you that don't know, ringing the bell is a tradition at most cancer centers as a way to celebrate being done with chemo.  Those of us going through chemo are easily amused and ringing a bell has much significance as a way to celebrate moving on.  I hate this picture, but here is a picture of me ringing the bell.

ringing the bell after last chemo - chemo bell tradition when done

Well, later the next day my face got a little red and looking back my face was red in the picture of me ringing the bell.  I also had a really bad headache. I think it was a mild allergic reaction to the chemo.  It took some zyrtec and it improved but later that evening it happened again and cause zyrtec is supposed to only be once every 24 hours I couldn't take another one.  When I noticed my face and chest getting flushed I was also starving so I postponed calling the docs until I ate something.  After eating I got into a fight with DH and it seemed to go away.  I think the endorphins from the fight helped with that.  But it figures it would be just my luck that I have another allergic reaction . . . oh, and looking back I did have a headache about the same time after the last one too :-/.  But none of that matters now cause I am done with chemo, woohooo!!!

Of course when I say I am done with chemo that really means I am done with getting chemo injections.  Chemo is the gift that keeps on giving.  I had the allergic reaction and still have other side effects.  Neuropathy (tingling of my fingers and feet), yucky taste in my mouth where food doesn't taste right, very low white blood cell count, fatigue, getting tired easily, chunks of blood when I blow my nose, heartburn, the 15 pounds I gained during treatment . . . oh joy.  The neuropahy is the one that worries me the most.  I have been having it off and on after most of my Taxol treatments but the weird thing is that I would notice it would show up a few days after chemo, then after the next chemo it would get better.  I mentioned this to my oncologist and she seemed surprised.  I suggested that it may be the decadron (steroid that is given to prevent allergic reaction) and she thought it may be masking it somehow.  Well since I don't have any more chemos I wonder how the neuropathy will be cause the week I had off when I was sick it didn't get better.  And the lack of fingernails and the dryness makes my fingernails pretty sensitive.  But I am done with chemo so I wont complain.

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