Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Taxotere to Weekly Taxol - Change of Plans in my Chemo Treatment

Two weeks ago I had an allergic reaction to Taxotere.  My bloodwork prior to the treatment showed that I had high eosinophils.  According to the doctor eosinophils are high due to an allergic reaction.  I had noticed that my eyes were puffy, and I was cleaning out some stuff and exposed to a lot of dust (and stress, but that is another story).  Well, last week I had blood drawn in preparation for my chemo on wednesday and I also had high eosinophils . . . even higher than last week!!!  WTHeck is going on??  My oncologist called me on Tuesday to tell me my results.  She also thought that since Taxotere has been really harsh on me that I should be switched to weekly Taxol.  I was relieved as I was really fearing going back in and having a repeat reaction to taxotere.  And by really fearing it, I mean I was dreading it with all I have left right now.  I even sent her an email asking her for specifics on how/what will be done to ensure I dont have the same reaction again.

So needless to say I was very relieved to be told I would get weekly Taxol.  Until the fear of having a reaction to Taxol (which is like a cousin to Taxotere, both are in the taxane family of chemotherapy drugs and are derived from the same Pacific Yew Tree, Taxus brevifolia ) set in.  I told the nurse that I had a reaction to taxotere and that this was my first time with Taxol so please go slow.  She obliged, although she is not my favorite chemo nurse.  Remember a few weeks ago when I had my last AC infusion and my vein leaked and I ended up crying during the whole infusion?  Same nurse.  I was less than thrilled.  She looked for the same arm vein and I told her that I had it leak and to please use my hand.  She used my hand but it hurt!  She was kinda snippy and said that is why I dont like using the hand cause it hurts.  But none of my other ones hurt - to be honest it only hurts when she does it.  She is really nice and actually shows me the drugs before she hooks them up (after another nurse verifies she has the right chemo for me), but so far she is 0 for 2.  At least I didnt have an allergic reaction this time.

I did get IV premeds - decadron, benadryl and pepcid.  The benadryl hurt going in and gave me restless legs, so I ran a "mini-marathon" in place in my recliner.  My legs had so much pent up energy I wanted to run, and my nurse said some people walk around, I didnt really want to drag my IV setup with me.  I'll do it to go to the restroom, but I didnt really want to tote it around just to walk.  But my marathon in place worked until I started to get drowsy.  At least she told me if I take Zyrtec an hour before my next infusion I dont need the benadryl IV.  Yippe, one less painful drug and less time in "the chair".

Aside from a hurting hand where the IV was placed I was fine during the infusion.  I went home and was ok. On Friday I started to feel kindof out of it and without motivation to do anything (lazy).  Saturday and Sunday my legs felt like I had run a real marathon.  I didnt take anything but did spend a lot of time on the couch which may have hurt the situation as I always felt more stiff after I had been sitting for awhile.  But it was manageable - I know people who have way worse bone pain than I do, so I'm not complaining  And of course I had my usual sensitivity to acidic foods and heartburn, but aside from that I am doing OK.

Now I'm worried about my eosinophils and what is causing them.  The doc seems to think it is allergies as I did have a sinus headache that seemed to get better when I took Zyrtec, but only my next bloodwork will tell the true story.  Oh and I am also worried about having a reaction to my second Taxol because it was my second Taxotere that had a reaction.  My oncologist acted like I was crazy when I told her my worries.  She has me convinced that more people have a reaction with Taxotere and it is really really REALLY uncommon to have a reaction to Taxol.

1 comment:

  1. Holy hell, girlfriend. You've been on my mind, too...I'm sorry I didn't step out and say so. You're always on my mind (but I won't croon it like Willy Nelson). :)

    Sending you big, big hugs, always...
