Sunday, September 2, 2012

Feeling Better, Finally

I realize that most of my posts have been negative and that is in part because when I do start to feel good I am too busy catching up on all the things I put off when I wasnt feeling good.  Even making dinner and cleaning up are suddenly more enjoyable.

Anyway, I wanted to post saying that I feel somewhat normal again.  I am still nowhere near a pre-chemo normal feeling, but when you have hit rock bottom even feeling halfway decent feels sooo good.  I was able to go for a 20 minute walk today[this was supposed to be posted on Saturday when I wrote it], sit on the couch and browse through pinterest my new favorite passtime, as well as make some dinner.  And DH cleaned the house - that alone is enough to make a girl feel better :-).

I still have to talk with my oncologist to discuss how a reaction will be avoided next time.  And I have to find the courage to go back and subject myself to the torture that is chemo, but I know the "torture" is for the best but it is a little scarier after my reaction.

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